Modding Madness: Arcade Style Microswitch Mod Kits for your Lightgun(s)

if you ever missed the real authentic feel Arcade feel of pulling the trigger of your favourite lightgun, there is now a solution:
Microswitch Mod Kits for several lightguns from a guy named "Bratwurst" located in the USA.
You can contact him over on the SEGA-16 board: (you should register there anyway).
The guy sells kits for different systems, like the GunCon for PS1/2, NES Zapper, Saturn Stunner etc.
I received my kits for the Stunner and the original Dreamcast gun yesterday and was really amazed by the precision these devices are made. Absolutely stunning work!

He uses high quality zippy switches but also includes (with some kits like the stunner) a microswitch with lever, as an option, if you prefer those.
Here is the link:!&p=836051#post836051

Below are some pictures of my installations. I took a shot of each step. It involes desoldering the original tactile switch and using the points on the pcb to wire and solder the microswitch. As mentioned the 3d printed parts fit real snug in there.

No hotglue required! ;)

Left for Dreamcast - Right for Saturn

The Japanese Stunner


The tactile switch

Desoldered tactile switch

Snug fit

Wires soldered to the points where the tactile switch once was

Microswitch side soldered. You have to cut a small piece from the trigger. Where it hits the switch!

Dreamcast Gun
Inside - a bit more tech than the Stunner

The PCB that we need to pay attention to

Disconnect the ribbon cable and take the PCB out

Unscrew the 2 screws and desolder the tactile switch

Wires microswitch side

PCB back in

Wires PCB side

3d printed bracket by Bratwurst with additional


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